Thursday, January 31, 2013

Elegant Swiss Agrcultural Shed

 Expressive and elegant agricultural shed in Switzerland. Uses local typologies and topology, plus local materials.

Go to designboom>

World's Most Elegant Oyster Shack

Is this the "world's most elegant oyster shack" as claimed by Remodelista? Yes. It is on the coast of Brittany.

Remodelista story and more pix>

Tree House Is Not What You Think

Concrete "tree" (main structural support) imitates real tree growing through house....

Found at subtilites.tumblr> slideshow>

Tent Tenements Can be Elegant

Modular Tent "Tenements." Better to call them tentacles or tent villages or tent colonies.

First sited on living-off-the-grid then to> dornob>

Monday, January 28, 2013

Japanese TARDIS House for Family of Five

Another TARDIS house from Shinozaki. Inside is definitely bigger than outside....."House for a Family of Five." Dr. Who's telephone booth TARDIS is bigger inside then outside, really bigger. 

Slide show>

TARDIS House for Japanese Couple

More from Shinozaki --- "House T for a Couple," Tokyo. Built, I think on what the Japanese call a flagpole site: alley frontage leads to "flag" for house. Again the interiors are spectacular... House is also a studio. 

Slide show>

Narrow House for Violinist

More from Shinozaki --- "House F for Violinist." Compression! But note the lovely arch entrance on ground floor. 
