Sunday, December 23, 2012

Boat House Writer's Retreat

English boathouse stripped and turned into writer's retreat. Beams exposed at last....I'll take it! Can it be moved to Long Island?

Txt & pix via dezeen>
 (4 photos)

Make It Bigger

Extensions, additions, expansions and renovations are architecture too. A house in Germany doubled in size. Question: can a house be "improved" by size-reduction?

Pix via dezeen>


Ironic gift idea --- 41k portable sauna, solar-powered. Judge not; want not.

Txt + pix via remodelista>

Friday, December 21, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Each Spa Cabin a Camera

A spa/hotel in Norway where every cabin is like being inside a camera looking out at nature....

Txt & pix via remodelista>