Thursday, February 28, 2013

Micro-Housing in the Big Apple

My new essay on --- "Roomers: Micro-Housing in the Big Apple." Could you live in 300 square feet? It's likely your children will have to.


Micro-Apts in Malls?

Providence RI Arcade (1828), first U.S. indoor shopping mall, will now sport micro-apartments. Will mega-malls and Tanger outlets follow suit? Some already have hotel rooms for exhausted shoppers.

Details at inhabitat>

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Swedish Slumming at the Homeless Hotel

Swedish Slumming--- you can book different outdoor sites at "the homeless hotel" website and experience homelessness for yourself. Money goes to charity. I don't know what to make of this. Is it condescending? 

Story & px at designboom>

Russian Opera House Uproar!

Russian Opera House Uproar! Dominique Perrault plan rejected --- cost overruns, did not conform to building codes, sour cream soil. Public demand demolition of Diamond Schmitt substitute as too ugly. Perrault is at top. Diamond below

Via ajarts>

Tokyo Office/Home

"BASE" --- your Tokyo home and office. Live above your work; ladders for stairs; hanging clothes instead of closet. Skylights. Yes!

Details at leibal>

Shipping Container Greenhouse

Urban shipping-container greenhouse. We love greenhouses and we love the proportions of shipping containers.

Details at designboom>

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Desk Bed for Your Office

For 21st Century living spaces. For 21st Century work loads. Desk bed! Well, it's better than commuting.

Txt & pix at inhabitat>